Thor's Haven

It is both Harbor and Ship.
Shelter and Storm.
Sanctuary and Campaign.
Journey and Rest.
Intermission and Performance.

This is my place, but it can also be yours.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Religiosity of the Church of Thor

Thor Doesn't Care.

While the Semitic Gods vied for worshippers and dominance...

While the Greek Gods demanded sacrifice and devotion...

While the Norse Gods plotted for the end the time..

Thor didn't care.

He didn't care what you did on Sunday. He didn't care if you worshipped other gods. He just didn't care.
Personal esoteric matters on the nature of reality and worship were of no concern to him.

He fought Giants. He gave the fields rain.
He is the God of expediency, he is a the God of practicality.

The Giants had to be held at bay or they would have destroyed the order of the Universe. It didn't matter what anyone thought, what rituals they had performed, or what level of salvation they had earned for their soul. Not to Thor at least. All that mattered was that an immediate threat was dealt with.

Same with the fields. Believe what you want about what you are doing; but they need to be planted and properly tended despite whatever you want to believe.

It is upon this expediency and practicality that the Church of Thor is based.

Thor can be what you want him to be..
He can be the Literal God of Thunder.
He can be an avatar for the Universe.
He can be a metaphor for a better way of living.

What he is for the Church of Thor, is a label for an ideal.
And that ideal is living a life worth living.

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